Everyone is welcome! You do not need to live in the area to participate or volunteer.
Online registration forms can be completed on Stone Alley's web site.
Here is a link to Carroll County's Service Learning web site.
The Council holds its general membership meetings on the second Tuesday at 7:00pm during the following months:
January, March, April, May, August, September, and November.
The location of the Council's regularly scheduled meetings during the school year shall be at Mechanicsville Elementary School Media Center for the January, March, April, May, September, and November meetings. The August meeting shall be held outdoors at Sandymount Park.
Every coach must go to: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/media/13411/recreation-and-parks-volunteer-registration-form.pdf
On that page there will be a form that must be filled out for 2021, whether you are due for renewal or not. IN THAT FORM is another link to the online background check for renewals and volunteers. Here's the link simplified: https://carrollcountyrecreationandparks.quickapp.pro/apply/applicant/start?_ref=qap_session_1e52a9f57ab9eb2a1a1cfce37074af504c1d04130571a004604a12e706db5684